Taking Care of Kakejiku
Maru and Butsu: Exploring the Diverse Styles of Kakejiku Scrolls
Golden or Silver Ratio: Which Resonates More with Beauty?
Exploring the Artistry of Kakejiku: A Window into Japanese Tradition
Rediscovering Kakejiku: The Evolving Art of Japanese Hanging Scrolls
"Knowing Sufficiency": A Zen Approach to Limitations and Satisfaction – A Double-Edged Sword?
Embracing Harmony: The Lasting Influence of Prince Shōtoku's Wisdom
The Return on Art: Investing in Japanese Calligraphy for Your Luxury Space
Takeda Shingen: The Legacy of Fūrinkazan and the Art of War
Bridging Tradition and Post-modernity : A Calligraphy Inspired by Buddhism and "The Matrix"
Shin-Gyo-So artistic concept
From Countryside to Calligraphy: A Journey Through Japanese Art and Self-Discovery
Legacy of Yamaoka Tesshu: Master of Kendo, Zen, and Calligraphy in Meiji Japan
Exploring the Manyoshu: Delving into Japan's Oldest Poetry Collection
Ogata Korin's Irises: A Masterpiece of Rinpa Art and Edo Innovation
Exploring Chōjū-jinbutsu-giga: A Journey into Ancient Japanese Manga
LEGO Project – Hokusai’s “Great Wave”
Sakura and Bushido: Embracing Impermanence in Japanese Culture
Jeff-kun: Merging Contemporary Western Art with Eastern Calligraphy
Plum in Japanese Poetry and Culture