Mastering the Art of Learning: Embracing the Power of 'T-Shaped' Expertise
The Confluence of Japanese Calligraphy and Logo Design
The Art of Now: Embracing the philosophy of Ichi-go Ichi-e (一期一会) in Daily Life
Exposing Corruption in Japan's Calligraphy World: A Call for Creative Freedom
A Tip for Appreciating Calligraphy
Beyond Ink and Paper: Redefining the Role of a Japanese Calligrapher
Suigetsu: Reflecting Serenity and Strategy in Japanese Martial Arts
What is “beauty” to you?
Ink Sticks: Everything you need to know
Taking Care of Kakejiku
Maru and Butsu: Exploring the Diverse Styles of Kakejiku Scrolls
Exploring the Artistry of Kakejiku: A Window into Japanese Tradition
Rediscovering Kakejiku: The Evolving Art of Japanese Hanging Scrolls
The Return on Art: Investing in Japanese Calligraphy for Your Luxury Space
Bridging Tradition and Post-modernity : A Calligraphy Inspired by Buddhism and "The Matrix"
From Countryside to Calligraphy: A Journey Through Japanese Art and Self-Discovery
Exploring the Manyoshu: Delving into Japan's Oldest Poetry Collection
Jeff-kun: Merging Contemporary Western Art with Eastern Calligraphy